Saturday, October 10, 2009

Summer Fun

What a fantastic summer! After three years without vacations it was time for some fun. Rob And Shannon were married in July. She looked like a princess in her wedding gown! The ceremony was beautiful and they complete each other in the best way. Mark and I were late (of course). Not only were we running late, he asked me to stop on the way at a grocery store so he could buy them a gift card. The credit card machine broke in the middle of his transaction and fifteen minutes later he emerged from the store empty handed. We walked in and the ceremony had already started! Thankfully Rob and Shannon are two of our best friends and expect these types of shenanigans and kindly let us off the hook. We had a great time and enjoyed hanging out with friends we hadn’t seen in a long time.

In August, Melissa and I celebrated our birthdays late by taking the day off of work and going to the Indiana State Fair. We ate fair food and wandered around before finding our place in line for the Jason Mraz show. We were the fifth and sixth people in line and were excited to be down front on the track. Unfortunately when the gates opened our gate remained locked. The sweet woman who was assigned to our gate did everything in her power to get it to open, but we had to abandon the line and run to another entrance. We ended up in the first few rows after a mad dash through security. The Gratitude Cafe Tour was awesome! Bushwalla made the transitions and introductions smooth and entertaining. Too bad he didn’t heave the opportunity to jam out a little for us. K’naan was full of energy and we loved him. G. Love was spectacular as usual. Jason Mraz has never let us down. He leaves the audience inspired. He has a way of connecting with people that cant be replicated. I must admit I was worried that the boy we have loved to see for so many years may have changed after becoming so successful with the mainstream audience but he proved me wrong. The show has evolved, and so has the music. We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things is one of my favorite recordings. If you haven’t checked it out, you should.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lets be good neighbors

I think my neighbors are having hip-hop dance night. While sitting in my living room I can hear the boom-boom and screech of something that sounds frighteningly like the Electric Slide coming from across the street. It seems the adorable Jack Russel next door (who I will call Satan) hears the music too because he has been barking for twenty minutes straight. Satan needs to stop barking and jumping up and down before I go outside and steal the little trampoline that he must be bouncing on. All of the ruckus makes me wonder what I do to make my neighbors crazy. Being a good neighbor brings me to Mr. Rogers. He came into my house every weekday when I was a kid. This year would have been his 80th birthday. On March 20th (Mr. Rogers birthday) everyone is being asked to wear a sweater in his honor. Mr. McFeely (Speedy Delivery) is hosting the event and has a video on youtube promoting the day. I hope everyone participates in honor of Mr. Rogers and the neighborhood of make believe.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just when you think you have it all figured out...

I never know what to expect anymore. I thought I had this thing called life under control, then oh snap...(yeah, i said it). Twice today I had to ask if it was Wednesday or Thursday. This could possibly be a sign that I am losing my grip. Three nights in a row my comfy bed was home, but the couch was calling me. Actually sleep was calling me and if I wanted any I should move my drowsy self back to it. Some day it will feel safe in the land of my bedroom, but for now I am staying put.

The drama with the worlds most fabulous Mr. E man continues. Some days I think he has gone off the deep end himself, but he always reels it back in at the last second. I can't help but wonder why he has changed my life so much or why I care...but I do. He always makes me feel safe in all of the chaos. I wish he was happy again, maybe we will win the lottery soon.

I've been trying to figure out why people have the "grass is always greener" syndrome, and I want to find a mad scientist to come up with a cure for it. Let's call the infected people "greeners" for the sake of identification. I am surrounded by them. It makes me want to climb to the highest of hilltops and scream LOOK AROUND, YOUR LIFE IS NOT SO BAD! To this I am sure the greeners would reply "easy for you to say, you are on a hilltop". If you are a greener, please knock it off, there is only so much a girl can take. Easy tips to fix everything: If you're married, stay married, if you can't fix it get divorced. If you are pissed at your friend talk it out. If you have responsibilities fulfill them. If you are not prepared to face the consequences don't make the initial action. When you can't decide what to do call me, I'll listen to you tell me how the world is better for other people, then I will blog about it.