Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just when you think you have it all figured out...

I never know what to expect anymore. I thought I had this thing called life under control, then oh snap...(yeah, i said it). Twice today I had to ask if it was Wednesday or Thursday. This could possibly be a sign that I am losing my grip. Three nights in a row my comfy bed was home, but the couch was calling me. Actually sleep was calling me and if I wanted any I should move my drowsy self back to it. Some day it will feel safe in the land of my bedroom, but for now I am staying put.

The drama with the worlds most fabulous Mr. E man continues. Some days I think he has gone off the deep end himself, but he always reels it back in at the last second. I can't help but wonder why he has changed my life so much or why I care...but I do. He always makes me feel safe in all of the chaos. I wish he was happy again, maybe we will win the lottery soon.

I've been trying to figure out why people have the "grass is always greener" syndrome, and I want to find a mad scientist to come up with a cure for it. Let's call the infected people "greeners" for the sake of identification. I am surrounded by them. It makes me want to climb to the highest of hilltops and scream LOOK AROUND, YOUR LIFE IS NOT SO BAD! To this I am sure the greeners would reply "easy for you to say, you are on a hilltop". If you are a greener, please knock it off, there is only so much a girl can take. Easy tips to fix everything: If you're married, stay married, if you can't fix it get divorced. If you are pissed at your friend talk it out. If you have responsibilities fulfill them. If you are not prepared to face the consequences don't make the initial action. When you can't decide what to do call me, I'll listen to you tell me how the world is better for other people, then I will blog about it.